*** Sahifa Changelog *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.6.0 - 29-07-2016 - Fixed: Displaying the responsive Adsense bug. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. #Files Updated - style.css - framework/functions/theme-functions.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.5.9 - 23-07-2016 - Improved: Open author social links in a new tab. - Improved: Below Header Ad on mobiles. - Improved: Responsive Adsense Ad. - Fixed: bug in the Timeline page template when using WPML. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. #Files Updated - style.css - template-timeline.php - framework/functions/theme-functions.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.5.8 - 06-07-2016 - Updated: InstaNOW Plugin to version 2.1.1. - Fixed: Font Awesome missing icons bug in the blog dashboard - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. #Files Updated - style.css - framework/functions/theme-functions.php - framework/plugins/instanow.zip - fonts/fontawesome/font-awesome.min.css ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.5.7 - 07-06-2016 - Updated: InstaNOW Plugin to version 2.1.0. —- IMPORTANT: Due to the recent Instagram API changes, in order for the InstaNOW plugin to continue working after June 1st you must obtain a new Access Token. This is true even if you recently already obtained a new token. Apologies for any inconvenience. - Updated: Font Awesome Version 4.6.3. - Updated: TGM to version 2.6.1. - Updated: New Instagram icon. - Improved: Header top Ad on mobiles. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. #Files Updated - style.css - framework/functions/theme-functions.php - framework/plugins/instanow.zip - fonts/fontawesome/ (folder) - framework/admin/js/icon-picker.js - framework/admin/inc/tgm/ (folder) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.5.6 - 10-05-2016 - Improved : Facebook Counter. #Files Updated - style.css - framework/functions/arqam-lite.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.5.5 - 18-04-2016 - Fixed: Color Picker bug in the categories edit page. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. #Files Updated - style.css - js/tabs.min.js - js/tie-scripts.js - framework/widgets/widget-weather.php - framework/functions/admin/framework-admin.php - framework/functions/theme-functions.php - framework/functions/translation.php - framework/functions/mega-menus.php - framework/parts/slider-home.php - framework/parts/post-head.php - framework/admin/style.css ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.5.4 - 16-04-2016 - Updated: The theme is now WordPress 4.5 ready. - Updated FitVids library. - Fixed: PHP notices in the update notifier module. - Fixed: Page search exclude option bug. - Fixed: Update notification bug with the child themes. - Fixed: Missing translation option for “Nothing Found” in the translation panel. - Fixed: Appearance of the post meta in the pages with the post cover. - Improved: Weather Widget. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. #Files Updated - style.css - js/tabs.min.js - js/tie-scripts.js - framework/widgets/widget-weather.php - framework/functions/theme-functions.php - framework/functions/translation.php - framework/functions/mega-menus.php - framework/parts/slider-home.php - framework/parts/post-head.php - framework/admin/style.css ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.5.3 - 28-01-2016 - Fixed: PHP notices in the update notifier module. #Files Updated - style.css - framework/admin/inc/notifier/update-notifier.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.5.2 - 27-01-2016 - Updated: The theme is now WooCommerce 2.5 ready. - improved: Theme Updates notifier. - Fixed: Flat share styling issue. - Fixed: Breaking News set animation type bug. - Fixed: Some PHP notices. - Fixed: WooCommerce LightBox bug for single product image. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. #Files Updated - style.css - js/tie-scripts.js - framework/functions/theme-functions.php - framework/parts/breaking-news.php - framework/admin/inc/notifier/update-notifier.php - framework/admin/framework-admin.php - Removed: woocommerce/content-product.php - Removed: woocommerce/content-product_cat.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.5.1 - 21-12-2015 - Improved: RTL direction of the reading indicator. - Updated: Font Awesome Version 4.5.0 ( 20 New Icons ). - Updated: Languages files. - Updated: InstaNOW Plugin (formerly Instagramy) version 2.0. - - NEW FEATURE: New Easier way to authorize your account with Instagram. - - NEW FEATURE: Load More feature for the Grid Layout. - - NEW FEATURE: Ability to show more than 20 Images. - - NEW FEATURE: Flat Images option. - - NEW FEATURE: Compatibility with the Visual Composer plugin. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. #Files Updated - style.css - rtl.css - framework/functions/theme-functions.php - framework/admin/js/icon-picker.js - framework/admin/framework-panel.php - framework/admin/framework-admin.php - framework/admin/images/ (folder) - framework/admin/style.css - framework/parts/share.php - framework/plugins/ (folder) - fonts/fontawesome/ (folder) - languages (folder) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.5.0 - 21-11-2015 - NEW FEATURE: New typography option for Breaking news label. - Updated: Languages files. - Improved: Facebook Counter. - Improved: feed.press Counter. - Improved: Posts Excerpt in the Grid Slider. - Improved: RTL elements styles. - Improved: Removed TGM notice for users without permissions to install/update plugins. - improved: Theme Updates notifier. - Improved: iLightBox library code. - Improved: One Click Demo data importer. - Added: New RTL Demo content XML file. - Fixed: Posts Excerpt shortcodes bug. - Fixed: Bug when adding an icon for menu items after adding them to the menu. - Fixed: Misspelled words. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. #Files Updated - style.css - rtl.css - functions.php - js/ilightbox.packed.js - framework/functions/arqam-lite.php - framework/functions/common-scripts.php - framework/functions/theme-functions.php - framework/admin/style.css - framework/admin/framework-admin.php - framework/admin/framework-panel.php - framework/admin/js/icon-picker.js - framework/admin/framework-admin.php - framework/admin/inc/notifier/update-notifier.php - framework/admin/inc/importer/tie-importer.php - framework/widgets/widget-facebook.php - languages (folder) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.4.0 - 12-10-2015 - NEW FEATURE: New typography option for titles in the grid slide. - Updated: Dribbble API 1.0 - Now you need to set a Client Access Token, check the Documentation for more information. - Updated: New OpenWeatherMap API - Now you need to set an API key in the weather widget settings. - Updated: Languages files. - Updated : Theme documentation. - Improved: Weather Widget. - Improved: bbPress elements styles. - Improved: RTL elements styles. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. #Files Updated - style.css - rtl.css - css/bbpress.css - framework/functions/arqam-lite.php - framework/widgets/widget-weather.php - framework/functions/common-scripts.php - framework/admin/framework-panel.php - languages (folder) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.3.2 - 16-09-2015 - Improved: Theme Accessibility. - Improved: Force the word with a lot of chars to fit the container. - Improved: Mega menu function to avoid conflict with some plugins. - Improved: OG Meta description for posts. - Updated: Instagramy plugin. - Updated: Taqyeem plugin. - Fixed: Posts Excerpt shortcodes bug. - Fixed: Video Blocks post link bug. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. #Files Updated - style.css - header.php - framework/functions/theme-functions.php - framework/blocks/block-videos.php - framework/functions/mega-menus.php - framework/parts/featured.php - framework/plugins/ (folder) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.3.1 - 23-08-2015 - Updated: The theme is now WordPress 4.3 ready. - Updated: The theme is now WooCommerce 2.4 ready. - Updated: Instagramy plugin. - Updated: Taqyeem plugin. - Improved: Storing custom post fields value in the DB. - Improved: Mega menu save custom fields. - Fixed: Menus bug after importing the demo site data. - Fixed: WPML scan theme text bug. - Fixed: Full width masonry bug on Firefox. - Fixed: Flat twitter share button bug on iPhone. - Fixed: Twitter share button bug with non latin characters. - Fixed: Share bug when the post title containing a special characters. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. #Files Updated - style.css - functions.php - framework/admin/framework-builder.php - framework/admin/framework-metaboxes.php - framework/functions/theme-functions.php - framework/functions/translation.php - framework/functions/arqam-lite.php - framework/functions/mega-menus.php - framework/parts/share.php - framework/plugins/ (folder) - framework/widgets/ (folder) - woocommerce/content-product_cat.php - woocommerce/content-product.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.3.0 - 08-08-2015 - NEW FEATURE: Option to enable/disable Smooth Scroll. - NEW FEATURE: Shortcode support for custom above and below posts Ads. - NEW FEATURE: Visual style option for SoundCloud. - NEW FEATURE: Github Social counter. - NEW FEATURE: Logo Psd files added in the theme package. - Improved: Facebook Counter. - Improved: Spaces around posts with covers on mobiles. - Improved: RTL Styles of the Mobile menu. - Improved: Time Ago Format module and it’s translation. - Improved: Theme’s translations. - Improved: Views System with multiple post pages. - Updated: Languages files. - Updated: Font Awesome Version 4.4.0 - 66 New Icons. - Updated: TGM plugin Version 2.5.2. - Updated: FlexSlider Version 2.5.0. - Updated: Instagramy plugin. - - NEW FEATURE: Hashtag support. - - NEW FEATURE: Activate links of accounts and hashtags in the user bio section. - - NEW FEATURE: Activate links of accounts and hashtags in the post caption. - - Improved: Plugin Speed and performance by reducing the amount of data stored and fetched from the database by 90%. - Fixed: Share bug when the post title containing a special characters. - Fixed: Breaking News inactive tab bug. - Fixed: Getting Weather data bug for some locations. - Fixed: Misspelled words. - Removed: Forrst Social counter as Zurb shut down it’s API. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. #Files Updated - style.css - rtl.css - header.php - single.php - page.php - template-authors - template-best-reviews - template-blog - template-login - template-masonry.php - template-media.php - template-restrict.php - template-sitemap.php - template-tags.php - template-timeline.php - wpml-config.xml - js/tie-scripts.js - fonts/fontawesome/ (folder) - languages (folder) - framework/plugins/ (folder) - framework/functions/arqam-lite.php - framework/functions/theme-functions.php - framework/functions/translation.php - framework/functions/common-scripts.php - framework/functions/tie-views.php - framework/parts/breaking-news.php - framework/parts/post-head.php - framework/parts/share.php - framework/admin/style.css - framework/admin/js/tie.js - framework/admin/js/icon-picker.js - framework/admin/framework-panel.php - framework/admin/framework-admin.php - framework/admin/framework-metaboxes.php - framework/admin/updates.php - framework/admin/inc/tgm/ (folder) - framework/widgets/widget-soundcloud.php - framework/widgets/widget-twitter.php - framework/widgets/widget-weather.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.2.2 - 30-06-2015 - Updated: Youtube API 3.0 - Now you need to get API Key ... check the Documentation for more information. - Updated: Theme’s Documentations. - Updated: Languages Files. #Files Updated - style.css - framework/functions/arqam-lite.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.2.1 - 24-05-2015 - Improved: Performance of the video block query. - Improved: Non Youtube and vimeo posts now linked to the post itself when the block’s Lightbox option is active. - Fixed: Check also close bug. - Fixed: Appearance of the sticky posts in the widgets. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. #Files Updated - style.css - js/tie-scripts.js - framework/blocks/block-videos.php - framework/functions/inc/theme-functions.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.2.0 - 21-05-2015 - NEW FEATURE: Optional reading position indicator. - NEW FEATURE: Searchable icon picker for menus. - NEW FEATURE: Added Post date to the grid featured slider. - NEW FEATURE: Added Self Hosted videos support to the videos blocks. - Improved: Theme speed and performance. - Improved: One Click Demo data importer. - Updated: TGM plugin. - Updated: Taqyeem plugin.* - Updated: Taqyeem - Buttons Addon.* - Updated: Taqyeem - Predefined Criteria Addon.* - Updated: Languages files. - Fixed: Misspelled words . - Fixed: Several PHP notices. - Fixed: iPhone menu bug. - Fixed: Nested bbpress comments bug. - Fixed: Below Header Banner Area bug. - Fixed: Below Header Banner Area background bug in WooCommerce pages. - Fixed: RTL Self hosted videos player bug. - Fixed: RTL sliders pagination separator bug. - Fixed: Translation panel custom chars bug. - Fixed: Appearance of the top menu items in the mobile menu bug. - Fixed: Dropdown menu hover bug with Safari on iPad. - Fixed: List shortcodes bug in the HTML block and widget. - Fixed: Login widget bug for subdirectories installation. - Fixed: Disable WooCommerce lightbox bug. - Fixed: Mega menu item position bug in the RTL version. - Fixed: Appearance of categories and views icons for pages in the search results. - Fixed: Lazy load of the images in footer area bug. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. * To Update the plugin : 1- Go to the “Installed Plugins” page and delete the old plugin version. 2- Re-install the plugin from Appearance > “Install Plugins” page. #Files Updated - style.css - rtl.css - 404.php - header.php - footer.php - comments.php - category.php - sidebar.php - template-timeline.php - template-tags.php - template-best-reviews.php - js/tie-scripts.js - fonts/fontawesome/font-awesome.min.css - languages (folder) - framework/blocks/ (folder) - framework/parts/ (folder) - framework/plugins/ (folder) - framework/admin/inc/importer/ (folder) - framework/admin/inc/tgm/ (folder) - framework/admin/updates.php - framework/admin/inc/style.css - framework/admin/custom-slider.php - framework/admin/framework-admin.php - framework/admin/framework-builder.php - framework/admin/framework-metaboxes.php - framework/admin/framework-category.php - framework/admin/framework-options.php - framework/admin/framework-panel.php - framework/admin/js/icon-picker.js - framework/functions/inc/mega-menus.php - framework/functions/inc/theme-functions.php - framework/functions/inc/translation.php - framework/functions/inc/common-scripts.php - framework/widgets/widget-tabbed.php - framework/widgets/widget-author.php - framework/widgets/widget-slider.php - framework/widgets/widget-tabbed.php - If your current version is 4+ Please replace whole folder. We changed too many files in v5.0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.1.0 - 26-02-2015 - NEW FEATURE: Option to enable/disable the mobile menu. - NEW FEATURE: Option to enable/disable the Search bar in the mobile menu. - NEW FEATURE: Option to enable/disable the social icons in the mobile menu. - NEW FEATURE: Option to enable/disable the Top menu items in the mobile menu. - NEW FEATURE: Option to hide the the mobile menu items icons. - NEW FEATURE: Option to enable/disable share buttons for pages. - NEW FEATURE: Option to disable Arqam Lite. - NEW FEATURE: Icon for the home link in the mobile menu. - NEW FEATURE: Caption for the LightBox shortcode. - Improved: Caption position of the post head image. - Improved: Gallery images caption appearance. - Improved: Tables style. - Improved: Sub Lists styles in the post content area. - Improved: OG Data for the homepages. - Improved: SEo improvements. - Improved: Lists with multiple line style. - Improved: Sticky sidebar behaviour when scrolling up and down. - Fixed: Page builder bug when the WooCommerce plugin is deactivated. - Fixed: Gallery columns bug. - Fixed: RTL Related posts style bug in Full width posts. - Fixed: special characters bug when share the post on Facebook. - Fixed: JS bug in the Arqam Lite options page. - Fixed: StumbleUpon and LinkedIn share buttons bug. - Fixed: Buttons shortcode target option bug. - Fixed: All Known php notices. - Fixed: page builder bug when categories names containing a quotes. - Fixed: RTL Logo in the sticky Navigation menu position bug. - Fixed: Home Link always heightlighted bug when it added to the Main Nav as a page. - Fixed: Author hcard bug. - Fixed: Full width logo styling bug. - Fixed: Sticky sidebars bug with Adsense and other Ad services. - Fixed: Images lazy load bug with reCAPTCHA. - Fixed: Comments avatar size bug in the theme widgets. - Updated: BebasNeue font to fix the accented characters bug. - Updated: Font Awesome Version 4.3.0 ( 40 New Icons ). - Updated: Theia Sticky Sidebar Js file to latest version. - Updated: Theme Documentation - Page speed guide section added. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. Files updated - style.css - rtl.css - header.php - single.php - page.php - sidebar.php - sidebar-shop.php - js/tie-scripts.js - fonts/ ( folder) - functions.php - framework/blocks.php - framework/functions/theme-functions.php - framework/functions/common-scripts.php - framework/functions/arqam-lite.php - framework/parts/share.php - framework/admin/framework-builder.php - framework/admin/framework-panel.php - framework/admin/style.css - framework/admin/framework-category.php - framework/admin/updates.php - framework/shortcodes/shortcodes.php - If your current version is 4+ Please replace whole folder. We changed too many files in v5.0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.0.2 - 10-02-2015 - Improved: Videos dimensions before loading the main js file. - Improved: Content SlideShow styling before loading the main js file. - Improved: Scrolling Block styling before loading the main js file. - Fixed: Google Adsense responsive bug on some devices. - Fixed: Text Decoration styling option bug. - Fixed: Footer styling options bug. - Fixed: UberMwnu stick Menu option bug. - Fixed: Mega Menus Arrows in the mobile menu. - Fixed: Styling bug in the (Recent posts and check also) mega menu option. - Fixed: Installing required plugins bug with Sahifa Child themes. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. Files updated - style.css - js/tie-scripts.js - framework/widgets/widget-video.php - framework/functions/mega-menus.php - framework/functions/common-scripts.php - Framework/functions/theme-functions.php - If your current version is 4+ Please replace whole folder. We changed too many files in v5.0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.0.1 - 08-02-2015 - Fixed: The mobile menu Close Bug on mobiles. - Fixed: Tabs Shortcode bug. - Fixed: TGM_Bulk_Installer bug when trying to install the recommended plugins. - Fixed: The Full width images bug. - Fixed: Bug in the lightbox. - Fixed: Bug in the translation panel. - Fixed: Top share buttons text color. - Fixed: Breaking news custom background color. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. Files updated - header.php - style.css - js/tie-scripts.js - framework/functions/translation.php - framework/functions/common-scripts.php - framework/functions/theme-functions.php - framework/admin/framework-admin.php - framework/admin/framework-builder.php - framework/admin/framework-panel.php - framework/shortcodes/ ( folder ) - If your current version is 4+ Please replace whole folder. We changed too many files in v5.0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.0.0 - 06-02-2015 - NEW FEATURE: New Mega menus module with 3 different layouts. - NEW FEATURE: Option to add icons for the main nav menu item. - NEW FEATURE: Full width layout. - NEW FEATURE: New boxed layout. - NEW FEATURE: Grid Featured Posts Slider. - NEW FEATURE: Lazy Load for images with option to enable/disable it. - NEW FEATURE: Views system. - NEW FEATURE: Out of canvas mobile menu. - NEW FEATURE: Live Search with option to enable/disable it. - NEW FEATURE: New WooCommerce block in the Page builder with 2 layouts. - NEW FEATURE: Removed the old review system and Integrate Taqyeem Plugin save 16$. - NEW FEATURE: Option to add a custom title for the review box . - NEW FEATURE: Review for custom post types. - NEW FEATURE: Taqyeem - Predefined Criteria Addon save 6$ - NEW FEATURE: Integrated Taqyeem Buttons Addon save 5$. - NEW FEATURE: Fly check also box with option to set its position, number of posts and query type. - NEW FEATURE: Option to disable the Fly check also box for specific posts . - NEW FEATURE: Masonry Page Template. - NEW FEATURE: Media Page Template . - NEW FEATURE: Removed the old Social Counter module and Integrate Arqam Lite Social Counter Plugin. - NEW FEATURE: Google+ Page Followers. - NEW FEATURE: Delicious Followers. - NEW FEATURE: Forrst Followers. - NEW FEATURE: RSS Subscribers Number ( Feedpress.it / Manual ). - NEW FEATURE: Option for colored social counter icons. - NEW FEATURE: Option for colored border social counter icons. - NEW FEATURE: New animation effect social counter. - NEW FEATURE: Weather Widget. - NEW FEATURE: New Shortcode GUI. - NEW FEATURE: Set custom title for the about author box shortcode. - NEW FEATURE: New style for the Timeline page template. - NEW FEATURE: Timeline layout for archives. - NEW FEATURE: Masonry with sidebar layout for archives . - NEW FEATURE: Option to set custom layout for categories pages . - NEW FEATURE: Option to customize the layout of each category - NEW FEATURE: Option to set custom layout for tags pages . - NEW FEATURE: Option to set custom layout for Authors pages . - NEW FEATURE: Option to set custom layout for search results pages . - NEW FEATURE: Show the search bar in mobiles. - NEW FEATURE: New option to set the number of related posts in the full width pages. - NEW FEATURE: Option to show most viewed posts in the posts list widget. - NEW FEATURE: Option to show most viewed posts in the Tabbed widget. - NEW FEATURE: Icons for post meta info. - NEW FEATURE: Ad Space below the header. - NEW FEATURE: New Media uploader. - NEW FEATURE: Smooth Scroll effect. - NEW FEATURE: New modern dashboard styles. - NEW FEATURE: Typography option for Blockquotes. - NEW FEATURE: Ability to add multiple Categories tabs box. - NEW FEATURE: Ability to change the position of Categories tabs boxes. - NEW FEATURE: Ability to add more than twitter widget with different accounts. - NEW FEATURE: Option to show social icons in Gray without background. - NEW FEATURE: Soundcloud match post and theme color. - NEW FEATURE: Modern Flat share Buttons. - NEW FEATURE: Colored read more button. - NEW FEATURE: Allow zoom on mobiles. - NEW FEATURE: Custom slider multiple uploader. - NEW FEATURE: Option to set the background color of the main navigation and the inner border. - NEW FEATURE: Options to show the search and social icons in the header top area . - NEW FEATURE: Option to hide thumbnails in categories blocks. - NEW FEATURE: Added Lightbox library. - NEW FEATURE: Option to enable Lightbox automatically for all images in the post content area. - NEW FEATURE: Option to choose the lightbox skin ( 6 skins available ). - NEW FEATURE: Option to enable/disable thumbnails in lightbox. - NEW FEATURE: Option to show arrows in lightbox. - NEW FEATURE: Option to show the videos in the video block in lightbox. - NEW FEATURE: 404 Error page redesigned. - NEW FEATURE: Add class for all ads spaces to use it with adblock plugins. - NEW FEATURE: Icons for Buttons shortcode . - NEW FEATURE: Homepage boxes colors. - NEW FEATURE: New Responsive Version. - NEW FEATURE: New Menu CSS animation. - NEW FEATURE: Remove Query Strings From Static Resources to improve the load speed. - NEW FEATURE: Added 10 new background patterns. - NEW FEATURE: New design for tabs, toggle shortcodes. - NEW FEATURE: Added cart icon to main nav with option to disable it. - NEW FEATURE: Added a Timeline Widget. - NEW FEATURE: Author cover image. - NEW FEATURE: Cover posts layout. - NEW FEATURE: Parallax effect. - NEW FEATURE: New position for the related posts module. - NEW FEATURE: New today's date design. - NEW FEATURE: Support for Self Hosted Videos. - NEW FEATURE: Full width images style. - NEW FEATURE: New Smart Stick Navigation. - NEW FEATURE: Option to show site logo in the Sticky Navigation. - NEW FEATURE: Print styles for posts . - NEW FEATURE: Added light bulb, thumbs up, thumbs down, plus, minus, heart and cons lists shortcode. - NEW FEATURE: New 7 colors for highlight text shortcode. - NEW FEATURE: New 5 Dividers styles shortcode. - NEW FEATURE: New Padding shortcode. - NEW FEATURE: Sticky Sidebar with option to enable/disable, and option to disable it on some pages. - NEW FEATURE: Option to set custom background for the mega menu. - NEW FEATURE: Added Translation tab to TiePanel. - NEW FEATURE: Option to show the tag description. - NEW FEATURE: Option to change the order of tabs in tabbed widget . - NEW FEATURE: Added share buttons to the pages. - NEW FEATURE: Option to add Custom Social Networks. - NEW FEATURE: Content Slideshow shortcode. - NEW FEATURE: Added Instagramy plugin save 15$. - NEW FEATURE: Option to use post's short link in share buttons. - NEW FEATURE: Builder in pages. - NEW FEATURE: Translatable backend. - NEW FEATURE: New Timeline block in the homepage builder. - NEW FEATURE: New Post Content block in the homepage builder. - NEW FEATURE: New big thumb block in the homepage builder. - NEW FEATURE: New masonry block in the homepage builder . - NEW FEATURE: Hide box title if the title field is empty. - NEW FEATURE: Option to show share buttons in recent posts blocks. - NEW FEATURE: Option to set slider type for each category. - NEW FEATURE: Option to set slider animation and speed for each category. - NEW FEATURE: Option to set slider posts number for each category. - NEW FEATURE: RTL Dashboard Support. - NEW FEATURE: New Design for Categories widget. - NEW FEATURE: New Design for WooCommerce pages. - NEW FEATURE: New Modern design for tables. - NEW FEATURE: New Design for bbpress. - NEW FEATURE: New Design for buddypress . - NEW FEATURE: New Design for Comments section. - NEW FEATURE: New Design for Add Comment form . - NEW FEATURE: Logo Margin bottom option. - NEW FEATURE: Display the number of comments in popular posts widgets. - NEW FEATURE: Font awesome 4.2.0 Added. - NEW FEATURE: Added new Foursquare icon. - Improved: Theme Speed. - Improved: Default WordPress widgets style. - Improved: Highlight the shop page in the main nav when browsing a product. - improved: Theme Updates notifier. - Improved: SSL issues. - Improved: Images and captions. - Improved: Twitter widget design. - Improved: Theme overall clean design. - Improved: bbPress Widget style. - Improved: Child theme issues. - Improved: Custom slider columns added. - Improved: Replace main nav bg image with color. - Improved: Videos widget. - Improved: Flex Slider navigation style. - Improved: Theme files organisation. - Improved: Check list and stars, loading font icon. - Improved: Blockquote style. - Improved: Buttons shortcode style. - Improved: Scrolling box. - Improved: Flickr widget. - Improved: Search widget. - Improved: About author box. - Improved: Authors page layout. - Improved: Best reviews page layout. - Improved: Responsive videos. - Improved: Readable css and js codes. - Fixed: All known php notices. - Fixed: Breaking News ticker Bug. - Fixed: Box shadow bug. - Fixed: Highlight home menu item on WPML languages home pages. - Fixed: Exclude pages from search bug with bbPress. - fixed: bug in the import/export feature. - Fixed: Spelling issues. - Fixed: Bug in flexSlider horizontal rtl. - Fixed: Store the default data after installing the theme. - Fixed: OG title bug with some plugins. - Removed: Feed Page Template, use [feed] shortcode instead. - Removed: Timthumb for security reasons. - Updated: Flex slider. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. Files updated - Please replace whole folder. We changed too many files in this version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 4.3.2 - 20-07-2014 - Added: Dutch languages files. - Improved: Ads divs class names. - Fixed: pagination bug in blog list page template. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. Files updated - style.css - rtl.css - header.php - single.php - footer.php - page.php - template-blog.php - template-authors.php - template-best-reviews.php - template-feed.php - template-login.php - template-restrict.php - template-sitemap.php - template-tags.php - template-timeline.php - languages/nl_NL.po - languages/nl_NL.mo - functions/theme-functions.php - includes\widgets\widget-ads.php - panel\shortcodes\shortcode.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 4.3.1 - 03-07-2014 - Improved: Images lightbox on Mobiles. - Updated: Timthumb to v2.8.14. - Fixed: Warnings message with custom slider. - Fixed: Elastic slider thumbnails bug. - Fixed: pagination bug in blog list page template. - Fixed: Tabs shortcode bug. - Fixed: Categories bug in the slider widget. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. Files updated - style.css - includes/slider.php - timthumb.php - template-blog.php - panel/shortcodes/ui.php - includes/widgets/widget-slider.php - js/tie-scripts.js ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 4.3.0 - 19-05-2014 - Added: WPML Support for custom code area in the homepage builder. - Added: RTL demo content XML file in the theme packge. - Updated: Timthumb to v2.8.13. - Fixed: Review widget bug. - Fixed: Some PHP warnings messages. - Fixed: WPML compatibilty issues. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. Files updated - style.css - wpml-config.php - timthumb.php - header.php - footer.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/home-cat-videos.php - includes/widgets/widget-twitter.php - includes/widgets/widget-reviews.php - includes/post-share.php - includes/slider.php - panel/mpanel-ui.php - panel/mpanel-functions.php - panel/post-options.php - panel/shortcodes/shortcode.php - panel/js/tie.js - panel/category-options.php.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 4.2.2 - 09-03-2014 - Improved: All comments links removed from the sample content file. - Fixed: Review widget bug. - Fixed: BuddyPress pages comments bug. - Fixed: Misspelling issue in Arabic language files . - Fixed: Some PHP warnings messages in dashboard . Files updated - style.css - page.php - includes/widgets/widget-reviews.php - panel/post-options.php - panel/importer/sample.xml - languages/ar.po - languages/ar.mo ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 4.2.1 - 04-03-2014 - Improvements and minor bug fixes. Files updated - style.css - single.php - page.php - panel/mpanel-ui.php - panel/post-options.php - panel/shortcodes/shortcode.php - panel/notifier/update-notifier.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/common-scripts.php - functions/updates.php - includes/widgets/widget-ads.php - includes/widgets/widget-counter.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 4.2.0 - 12-02-2014 - NEW FEATURE: Compatible with the UberMenu plugin. - NEW FEATURE: Custom background and color options for Woocommerce shop page. - Improved: Compatible with the new WooCommerce plugin version 2.1+ ( After Update the plugin you need to re-add thw shop widgets in the shop sidebar ). - Fixed: All known php warnings when the wp_debug is enabled. - Fixed: Title bug in the Text or Html widget. - Fixed: bbPress user profile bug. - Fixed: Authors social icons in authors template page. - Fixed: WPML bug in the Recent posts widget. - Fixed: Stick Main Nav bug with Safari7 on Mac (beta). - Fixed: Mega menu HTML bug. - Fixed: Delete reviews criterias bug. - Fixed: vimeo video og image bug. - Fixed: StumbleUpon post URL bug. - Fixed: Typography color for post links in homepage boxes bug. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. Files updated - style.css - rtl.css - sidebar.php - header.php - bbpress.php - template-authors.php - wpml-config.xml - js/tie-scripts.php - includes/archives-meta.php - includes/boxes-meta.php - includes/post-share.php - includes/widgets/ (folder) - woocommece/ (folder) - functions/ (folder) - panel/mpanel-ui.php - panel/mpanel-functions.php - panel/js/tie.js - panel/post-options.php - panel/category-options.php - panel/custom-slider.php - panel/post-options.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 4.1.1 - 16-01-2014 - Added: Russian Language Files. - Fixed: Blank page bug. Files updated - style.css - functions/theme-functions.php - languages/ru_RU.po - languages/ru_RU.mo ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 4.1.0 - 14-01-2014 - NEW FEATURE: Support for responsive google adsense asynchronous code. - NEW FEATURE: compatible with IE on Windows 8 Tablets. - Improved: Support charset options for the default fonts. - Improved: MySql queries speed. - Improved: RTL styles. - Fixed: Google map responsive issue. - Fixed: Flexi slider responsive issue . - Fixed: Lists bullets on IE11. - Fixed: Dropcap and Highlight shortcodes in excerpts . - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. Files updated - style.css - header.php - template-timeline.php - template-best-reviews.php - panel/mpanel-ui.php - panel/post-options.php - panel/custom-slider.php - panel/category-options.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/common-scripts.php - functions/home-recent-box.php - functions/home-cats.php - functions/home-cat-videos.php - functions/home-cat-tabs.php - functions/home-cat-scroll.php - functions/home-cat-pic.php - includes/slider.php - includes/slider-category.php - includes/post-related.php - includes/post-head.php - includes/breaking-news.php - includes/widgets/widget-facebook.php - includes/widgets/widget-slider.php - includes/widgets/widget-author.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 4.0.4 - 31-12-2013 - Improvements and minor bug fixes. Files updated - style.css - functions/theme-functions.php - includes/slider-category.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 4.0.3 - 29-12-2013 - Improved: Widgets classes names to avoid any conflict with plugins . - Improved: Post pagination style on Dark skin . - Improved: Theme updates notifier cache . - Fixed: Full width featured images resolution issue . - Fixed: Full width slider images resolution issue . - Fixed: Number of faces appeared in the facebook like box widget. - Fixed: Style issue in the Google Plus widget. - Fixed: Tabs height bug . - Fixed: custom login page dashboard logo size bug in Wordpress 3.8 . - Fixed: Rich snippets of pages . - Fixed: Review bug with IE8 . - Fixed: Social Icons bug in the authors page template . - Fixed: Duplication content issue when uses Homepage boxes layout . - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. Files updated - style.css - page.php - single.php - author.php - template-authors.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/common-scripts.php - includes/slider.php - includes/slider-category.php - includes/widgets (folder) - js/tabs.min.js - js/tie-scripts.js - panel/notifier/update-notifier.php - If your current version is 3+ Please replace whole folder. We changed too many files in v4.0. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 4.0.2 - 04-11-2013 - Improved : Add WooCommerce sidebar in sidebars list for archives and posts . - Improved : Update notifier funstions . - Improved : Option in Facebook widget for dark skin . - Improved : Some RTL Styles. - Improved : Now You can set the shop, products categories , product page as full width . - Updated: The German languages files ( Thanks to http://cloudlog.de ) . - Fixed: Google +1 button language . - Fixed: Facebook like button width in lightbox. - Fixed: Facebook like button width in share buttons module. - Fixed: Error message when no criterias for the review . - Fixed: Vertical tabs shortcode height bug. - Fixed: Number of Woocommerce categories per row. - Fixed: Woocommerce Images sizes ( Deactivate the theme and re-activate it again to apllay the changes) . - Fixed: Columns shortcode in box shortcode bug . - Fixed: Homepage blog layout bug . - Fixed: Custom Gravatar size bug in the widgets. - Fixed: Google plus share post title bug . Files updated - style.css - Rtl.css - functions.php - header.php - single.php - wpml-config.xml - panel/mpanel-ui.php - panel/mpanel-functions.php - panel/category-options.php - panel/post-options.php - panel/notifier/update-notifier.php - panel/shortcodes/shortcode.php - panel/google-fonts.php - includes/widgets/widget-counter.php - includes/widgets/widget-twitter.php - includes/widgets/widget-facebook.php - includes/post-share.php - includes/slider.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/common-scripts.php - js/tie-scripts.js - js/tabs.min.js - woocommerce/ (folder) - languages/de_DE.po - languages/de_DE.mo - If your current version is 3+ Please replace whole folder. We changed too many files in v4.0. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 4.0.1 - 10-10-2013 - Fixed: Buttons shortcode bug. - Fixed: Widgets bug. - Fixed: Footer styling option bug. - Fixed: Number of posts in template blog pages . - Fixed: WP_Error message with categories breadcrumbs. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. Files updated - style.css - template-blog.php - panel/shortcodes/shortcode.php - panel/mpanel-ui.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/common-scripts.php - includes/slider.php - includes/slider-category.php - includes/post-related.php - includes/widgets/widget-posts.php - includes/breadcrumbs.php - If your current version is 3+ Please replace whole folder. We changed too many files in v4.0. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 4.0.0 - 07-10-2013 - NEW FEATURE: New TiePanel modern Flat and Clean design . - NEW FEATURE: Retina Ready . - NEW FEATURE: WooCommerce Ready - NEW FEATURE: Buddypress 1.7+ Ready . - NEW FEATURE: WPML Ready . - NEW FEATURE: bbPress Ready . - NEW FEATURE: Responsive Google AdSense . - NEW FEATURE: Instagram Followers Counter . - NEW FEATURE: SoundCloud Followers Counter . - NEW FEATURE: Behance Followers Counter . - NEW FEATURE: Compatibility with Infinite Scroll plugin . - NEW FEATURE: Best Reviews page template with options to set categories and the number of posts . - NEW FEATURE: Mega menu for categories links in the main nav to show latest 3 posts . - NEW FEATURE: Supports breadcrumbs rich snippets . - NEW FEATURE: Schema SEO Rich Snippet Authors Microdata. - NEW FEATURE: options to set Custom bg and colors for posts and pages . - NEW FEATURE: Unlimited Review Criterias . - NEW FEATURE: Drag and drop feature to sort the Review Criterias. - NEW FEATURE: Support HTML in Review Summary. - NEW FEATURE: Support Custom sliders in the slider widget . - NEW FEATURE: 13 new Patterns . - NEW FEATURE: Option to display Breaking news on the homepage only . - NEW FEATURE: Meta options for the Homepage boxes . - NEW FEATURE: Meta options for archives and Homepage blog layout . - NEW FEATURE: Option to Hide Slides caption . - NEW FEATURE: Option to set the length of Slides caption . - NEW FEATURE: option to set number of posts in tabbed widget . - NEW FEATURE: Option to set custom category logo ( applies on posts under it ) . - NEW FEATURE: option for Full width logo. - NEW FEATURE: option to Center the logo. - NEW FEATURE: option to hide the main nav. - NEW FEATURE: option to upload a Retina Version of the site logo. - NEW FEATURE: option to show share buttons in the top of the post . - NEW FEATURE: option to Enable/Disable the modern Colored browser Scrollbar . - NEW FEATURE: Active title link for the scrolling and news in picture boxes . - NEW FEATURE: OG Meta for posts with option to disable it . - NEW FEATURE: Nofollow option for banners settings and Ads widgets . - NEW FEATURE: Apple devices Friendly . - NEW FEATURE: Background image ADS . - NEW FEATURE: Post link on the image in the Elastic slider . - NEW FEATURE: Full Share buttons on archives . - NEW FEATURE: Facebook Like and tweet buttons on the lightbox. - NEW FEATURE: Option to set a custom URL for the login page logo. - NEW FEATURE: Multiple categories selection for blog list page template . - NEW FEATURE: option to set User Roles for the authors page template . - NEW FEATURE: Option to set custom Title for the related posts box . - NEW FEATURE: Supports Youtube channels in the social counter widget . - NEW FEATURE: Variable tags to display current year , Site name and site URL dynamically in footer areas - NEW FEATURE: New Social icons for 500px - Soundcloud , github and foursquare - NEW FEATURE: Behance and instagram in the author social links - NEW FEATURE: Post format icons appears when mouseover on featured image . - NEW FEATURE: Multiple rows supported in the main nav . - NEW FEATURE: Offset option in the Homepage boxes . - NEW FEATURE: Video post format now supports Viddler, Qik, Hulu, FunnyOrDie, WordPress.tv and blip.tv . - NEW FEATURE: Video Box in the homepage builder . - NEW FEATURE: Live typography preview . - NEW FEATURE: Added new 129 Google Fonts . - NEW FEATURE: New Web Safe Fonts . - NEW FEATURE: New FlexSlider caption animation . - NEW FEATURE: One Click Auto-Install demo sample data . - NEW FEATURE: Added Danish language files . - NEW FEATURE: Typography option for Khmer and Vietnamese Google fonts Character sets . - Improved: Columns shortcode now responsive . - Improved: H1 tag for categories and tags titles in archives pages . - Improved: Search when "Exclude Pages in results" option enabled . - Improved: Apply the Typography options on Post Titles in the Blog Layout . - Improved: Footer bottom area text size on small devices . - Improved: Pagination style for Multiple posts pages . - Improved: Share Buttons load time . - Improved: Scrolling box responsive style . - Improved: Cat tabbed box and tabbed widget . - Improved: Wp_title() function . - Improved: Thumbnails functions . - Improved: Facebook Counter function . - Improved: Twitter Counter function . - Improved: Twitter widget . - Improved: User ratings stars on Firefox . - Improved: Facebook widget . - Improved: Flex slider start time . - Improved: Widgets with empty titles which breaks HTML theme structure . - Improved: Remove "Comments are closed." and "Category Archives:" . - Improved: All Categories settings moved to category edit page . - Improved: RTL Style issues . - Improved: Related posts module . - Updated : PrettyPhoto to version 3.1.5 . - Fixed: Total score stars bug in points review system (Edit the posts contained points reviews and click update button) . - Fixed: Social Counter style bug on RTL . - Fixed: Conflict with Digg Digg plugin. - Fixed: Recent posts box pagination bug. - Fixed: The number of posts in the recent posts box when there are sticky posts. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. Files updated - Please replace whole folder. We changed too many files in this version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.4.1 - 27-08-2013 - Improved: Insert Video button back using default wordpress [embed] shortcode . - Fixed: [video] shortcode bug . - Fixed: Horizontal scrollbar on RTL Sites caused by Google Plus Share button . - Fixed: Page Head module bug in authors page temblate . Files Updated - style.css - rtl.css - template-authors.php - functions/theme-functions.php - panel/shortcodes/shortcode.php - panel/shortcodes/ui.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.4.0 - 05-08-2013 - Fully Supports New Worpress 3.6 . - Fixed: Recent news box pagination bug. - Improved: Twitter and Social counter widget . - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. Files Updated - style.css - images/ (folder) - includes/widgets/widget-counter.php - includes/widgets/widget-twitter.php - includes/widgets/widget-video.php - includes/pagenavi.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/home-recent-box.php - panel/shortcodes/shortcode.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.3.0 - 17-07-2013 - NEW FEATURE: Display the featured image caption below it in the single post page. - NEW FEATURE: Pagination option for recent posts box in homepage builder. - Improved: Twitter Counter function. - Improved: Custom background option in dark skin. - Improved: Vertical tabs shortcode height. - Improved: theme updates notifier cache . - Fixed: Google Plus widget on RTL version. - Fixed: Delete Homepage builder items and custom slides icon. - Fixed: Social icons in author pages. - Fixed: Conflict with wordpress related posts plugins. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. Files Updated - style.css - author.php - functions.php - js/tabs.min.js - panel/style.css - panel/mpanel-ui.php - panel/js/tie.js - panel/custom-slider.php - functions/common-scripts.php - functions/home-recent-box.php - functions/theme-functions.php - includes/post-head.php - includes/twitteroauth/twitteroauth.php - includes/widgets/widget-news-pic.php - includes/widgets/widget-posts.php - includes/widgets/widget-tabbed.php - includes/widgets/widget-category.php - includes/widgets/widget-authors-posts.php - includes/widgets/widget-comments-avatar.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.2.2 - 26-06-2013 - Improved: All Twitter API Error messages moved to the backend . - Improved: Theme Performance and Speed by caching the Social counters for 20 minutes . - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. Files Updated - style.css - functions/theme-functions.php - includes/widgets/widget-twitter.php - includes/widgets/widget-counter.php - panel/mpanel-functions.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.2.1 - 23-06-2013 - Improved : Twitter social counter/widget. - Improved : Timeline Template page. - Improved : Posts titles in the Sidebar slider. - Fixed: Facebook Like box in the archives pages. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. Files Updated - style.css - rtl.css - loop.php - template-timeline.php - functions/theme-functions.php - includes/twitteroauth/ (folder) - includes/widgets/widget-twitter.php - panel/mpanel-functions.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.2.0 - 18-06-2013 - NEW FEATURE: Reviews for pages . - NEW FEATURE: Support shortcodes in AD widgets . - Updated : Theme functions to use Twitter Api 1.1 . - Improved: Elastic Slideshow Slides Images ALT . - Improved: Reviews style in the dark skin . - Improved: Lightbox Next/Prev arrows - Improved: Max content width for the full width posts/pages . - Fixed: Search icon . - Fixed: Points system total score image . - Fixed: Custom Header background in the dark skin . - Fixed: post head videos conflict with the main nav on IE . - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. Files Updated - style.css - page.php - single.php - functions.php - panel/post-options.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/common-scripts.php - includes/twitteroauth/ (folder) - includes/slider.php - includes/slider-category.php - includes/post-head.php - includes/widgets/widget-ads.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.1.1 - 02-06-2013 - Improved: Form elements styles. - Improved: Slider Typography options . - Improved: Site title and tagline typography options. - Fixed: Sidebar Slider position. - Fixed: Timeline page comments bug. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. Files Updated - style.css - rtl.css - template-timeline.php - functions/common-scripts.php - functions/theme-functions.php - panel/shortcodes/ui.php - panel/mpanel-ui.php - js/tie-scripts.js ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.1.0 - 18-05-2013 - NEW FEATURE: Users ratings . - NEW FEATURE: Styling Option to set the Highlighted Color . - NEW FEATURE: Styling Options to Main Navigation styling . - NEW FEATURE: Option to disable theme gallery to use Jetpack Tiled Galleries . - NEW FEATURE: Ability to choose Normal fonts Tahmoa , Arial , Georgia , etc from fonts list . - NEW FEATURE: 6 Arabic fonts . - NEW FEATURE: Supports Shortcodes in banners area . - NEW FEATURE: Best reviews option in the posts list widget . - NEW FEATURE: Typography option for slider posts titles , - NEW FEATURE: Posts titles in the homepage news boxes . - NEW FEATURE: Site title and Tagline . - Improved : Twitter , Facebook , Social widgets to avoid any conflict with plugins . - Improved : shortcodes on Dark skin . - Improved : Full width slider images apperance . - Improved : Page / Post Elements . - Improved : Save theme settings function . - Improved : Facebook like button to show the comment area . - Improved : wp_title() function . - Fixed : Breadcrumbs bug when the post doesn't have a category . - Fixed : Author widgets bug . - Fixed : Register page link in the login widget . - Fixed : Slider thumbnails width . - Fixed : Button shortcode bug . - Updated : Theme documentations . Files Updated - style.css - rtl.css - header.php - single.php - functions.php - panel/mpanel-ui.php - panel/mpanel-functions.php - panel/google-fonts.php - panel/shortcodes/ui.php - panel/post-options.php - panel/style.css - panel/js/tie.js - functions/common-scripts.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/home-cats.php - functions/home-cat-scroll.php - functions/home-cat-tabs.php - functions/home-recent-box.php - functions/banners.php - includes/breadcrumbs.php - includes/slider.php - includes/post-share.php - includes/single-post-share.php - includes/slider-category.php - includes/widgets/widget-twitter.php - includes/widgets/widget-flickr.php - includes/widgets/widget-facebook.php - includes/widgets/widget-social.php - includes/widgets/widget-author-custom.php - includes/widgets/widget-author.php - includes/widgets/widget-posts.php - images/stars-large.png Files added : images/ajax-loader.png ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.0.4 - 12-03-2013 - Improvements and minor bug fixes. Files Updated - style.css - functions/theme-functions.php - panel/shortcodes/shortcode.php - panel/post-options.php - panel/custom-slider.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.0.3 - 08-03-2013 - Improvements and minor bug fixes. Files Updated - Style.css - single.php - includes/twitteroauth - includes/slider-category.php - panel/mpanel-ui.php - panel/post-options.php - functions/theme-functions.php - includes/widgets/widget-facebook.php - includes/widgets/widget-video.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.0.2 - 01-03-2013 - Improvements and minor bug fixes. Files Updated - style.css - rtl.css - functions.php - functions/common-scripts.php - functions/theme-functions.php - panel/mpanel-ui.php - panel/mpanel-functions.php - panel/shortcodes/shortcodes.php - includes/widgets/widget-twitter.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.0.1 - 20-02-2013 - Improvements and minor bug fixes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.0.0 - 19-02-2013 - Added : Option to Hide Top Menu . - Added : Option to Hide Rss from Social Icons . - Added : Option to disable all posts dates . - Added : Option to choose map alignment for Google map shortcode . - Added : Option to Display posts excerpt + Full width featured image . - Added : Option to Choose the posts order in news boxes ( latest / random) . - Added : Option to show featured image with lightbox in post head area . - Added : Custom Background and color for categories and posts belongs to it . - Added : Google Play , Instagram , Spotify , PayPal , Behance , VK and Viadeo social Icons . - Added : New layout style for the New in picture box . - Added : New Modern style social counter icons . - Added : New Modern style social icons . - Added : New Modern style social icons for authors bio . - Added : New Modern style for the audio player shortcode . - Added : New Modern style for scrollbar ( webkit browsers only ) . - Added : 24px Icons size for social icons widget . - Added : Dark Skin . - Added : Widget - Subscribe to youtube Channel . - Added : Widget - Authors Posts . - Added : Widget - Posts Slider . - Added : Widget - SoundCloud . - Added : Widget - Cutom author content to display banners or text . - Added : Self Hosted Audio post/page format . - Added : SoundCloud post/page format . - Added : Time Ago Format with option to enable/disable it. - Added : New Styling Options . - Improved : Sub menus style of heighlighted Menu item . - Improved : Open Graph protocol . - Improved : SEO - Structured Data . - Improved : Theme Speed and performance . - Improved : Design of a lot of theme elements . - Improved : Theme functions for child theme support . - Improved : Social Counter Function . - Improved : Responsive layout . - Improved : Shortcodes in non-posts . - Improved : Compatibility with twitter api 1.1 . - Improved : Scroll to top icon animation . - Updated : TimThumb . - Updated : German languages Files . - Fixed : Conflict with some plugins . Files updated - Please replace whole folder. We changed too many files in this version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.5.0 - 11-01-2013 - Added : Next/prev to lightbox for [gallery] shortcode . - Added : Character sets option to support Cyrillic , Greek fonts . - Added : supports http://youtu.be videos in post head . - Added : supports http://youtu.be videos in [video] shortcode . - Added : supports dailymotion videos in post head . - Added : supports dailymotion videos in [video] shortcode . - Added : Full width slider in post head for full width posts . - Added : Drag and Drop to sort categories in Categories Tabs Box . - Added : option to open links in social counter widget in a new tab . - Added : Croatian language . - Improved : Videos width and height ratio . - Improved : Remove auto capitalize letters . - Improved : Set Max width for Logo image . - Fixed : Reset settings bug . - Fixed : Scrolling box spacing issue with RTL . - Updated : French language files . Files updated - style.css - RTL.css - js/tie-scripts.js - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/common-scripts.php - includes/post-head.php - includes/widgets/widget-counter.php - languages/fr_FR.po - languages/fr_FR.mo - panel/ (folder) Files Added: - languages/hr_HR.po - languages/hr_HR.mo ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.4.2 - 04-01-2013 - Improvements and minor bug fixes. Files updated - style.css - includes/post-head.php - panel/mpanel-functions.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.4.1 - 01-01-2013 - Improvements and minor bug fixes. Files updated - style.css - header.php - RTL.css - category.php - author.php - functions/theme-functions.php - includes/post-head.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.4.0 - 22-12-2012 - Added : 300*600 ADV widget . - Added : Youtube channel counter . - Added : viemeo channel counter . - Added : dribbble counter . - Added : LightBox for WP [Gallery] shortcode . - Added : [LightBox] shortcode . - Added : Schema SEO Rich Snippet Breadcrumbs Microdata . - Improved : performance and speed of the theme . - Improved : Facebook Counter . - Improved : Schema SEO Rich Snippet Review Microdata - Improved : SEO issues - Fixed : Social icons path bug . - Fixed : Author Feed URL bug . - Fixed : Typography bug with some fonts . - Fixed : Slider directions bug in RTL blogs . Files updated - style.css - author.php - single.php - header.php - RTl.css - js/tie-scripts.js - panel/mpanel-ui.php - panel/js/tie.js - panel/mpanel-functions.php - panel/shortcodes folder - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/common-scripts.php - includes/widgets/widget-counter.php - includes/widgets/widget-ads.php - includes/widgets/widget-twitter.php - includes/breadcrumbs.php Files Added : - images/prettyPhoto/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.3.0 - 12-11-2012 - Added : Points style in the review system . - Added : [review] shortcode to display the review box in any position in the post . - Added : Post Review widget . - Added : Sticky Navigation menu . - Added : Option to Disable the theme Responsiveness. - Added : Pinterest Style for widgets in responsive action . - Added : Post-Head module in blog page template to display slider , video , etc . - Added : Styling Option for main content box background . - Added : show the short summary when mouse over on the stars . - Added : show Sahifa in top bar for adminstartors only . - Added : combatablity with some Ad plugins . - Improved : responsive issues . - Improved : Search widget style in the footer . - Improved : The default favicon . - Fixed : Problem in categories slider . - Fixed : Missed some microdata attributes in the review posts . - Fixed : Image Caption alignment bug . Files updated - Please replace whole folder. We changed too many files in this version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.2.0 - 26-10-2012 - Added : Reviews System . - Improved : Styling Options. - Improved : Typography Options. - Improved : Responsive issues . - Fixed : Fetal error caused by Feedburner Api . Files updated - Please replace whole folder. We changed too many files in this version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.1.0 - 24-10-2012 - Added : Ability for adding a custom text with link in breaking news module . - Improved : Widgets Titles when it is empty . - Improved : RTL styling issues . - Fixed : Author icons bug in author page template . - Fixed : Responsive issues . Files updated - styles.css - css/page-template.css - template-authors.php - functions/theme-functions.php - rtl.css - includes/breaking-news.php - panel/js/tie.js - panel/mpanel-ui.php - panel/mpanel-functions.php - panel/style.css ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.0.1 - 19-10-2012 - Fixed : IE Bug . Files updated - style.css - header.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.0.0 - 18-10-2012 - Added : Custom sliders for categories . - Added : custom Sidebars for categories pages . - Added : New ticker animation in breaking news module . - Added : Custom css fields to make changes depend on the device . - Added : Ability for adding news boxs with different styles in homepage . - Improved : Seo in Header . - Improved : Audio shortcode . - Improved : Galleries style . - Improved : Scroll to top function . - Improved : Responsive issues . - Improved : Reset settings button . - Improved : Og:image to get video image from youtube/viemo if the post hasn't a featured image . - Fixed : Twitter Counter bug . - Fixed : category feed url . Files updated - style.css - header.php - sidebar.php - category.php - footer.php - panel/mpanel-ui.php - panel/shortcodes/shortcode.php - panel/style.css - panel/js/tie.js - js/tie-scripts.js - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/common-scripts.php - functions/home-cats.php - includes/breaking-news.php - includes/single-post-share.php - includes/post-share.php - css/shortcodes.php - images/jplayer folder - Added : includes/slider-category.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.7.0 - 04-10-2012 - Added : typography option for pages entry . - Added : display posts in slider from multiple categories . - Added : Persian language. - Improved : save options function . - Improved : ie8 issues . - Improved : Responsive issues . - Fixed : height of thumbs bug in slider . - Fixed : Selection bug in custom slider . - Fixed : Missing http: in pinterest and linkedin share buttons . Files updated - style.css - rtl.css - css/ie8.css - functions/common-scripts.php - functions/theme-functions.php - panel/custom-slider.php - panel/mpanel-functions.php. - panel/mpanel-ui.php - includes/slider.php - includes/post-share - includes/single-post-share - js/jquery.eislideshow.js ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.6.0 - 16-09-2012 - Added : highlight Category in main navigation when browsing post in it . - Added : highlight parent page in main navigation when browsing a children page of it. - Improved : Elastic Slideshow when it display less than 5 posts . - Fixed : Custom Sidebars bug in post edit page . - Fixed : Post Head Bug in post edit page . - Fixed : Contents / excerpet bug in home recent box in Homepage . - Fixed : Post entry Typography settings bug . - Fixed : Comment link bug in recent commrnts widget . Files updated - style.css - includes/slider.php - functions/home-recent-box.php - functions/common-scripts.php - functions/theme-functions.php - panel/post-options.php - panel/js/tie.js - css/style-black.css - css/style-blue.css - css/style-green.css - css/style-pink.css - css/style-purple.css - css/style-red.css - css/style-yellow.css ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.5.0 - 14-09-2012 - Improved : Post Excerpt Functions . - Fixed : Minor bug . Files updated - loop.php - style.css - functions/home-cat-tabs.php - functions/home-cats.php - functions/home-recent-box.php - functions/theme-functions.php - includes/slider.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.4.0 - 13-09-2012 - Added : GoogleMap In page post Head . - Added : option to change links color in the post . - Added : option to change Excerpt Length . - Added : French language . - Added : Turkish language . - Improved : performance and speed of the theme . - Improved : Display the Empty categories in HomePage Builder . - Improved : Preview image in pinerest . - Improved : Get the post Thumbnail when share post in facebook or Google + . - Improved : Social Counter Widget . - Fixed : Full background Image Bug . - Fixed : Post Head Bug . - Fixed : Alternative Text bug For The banners. - Fixed : blockquote height bug . - Fixed : ADS accessible bug on firefox . - Fixed : tooltip css conflict with some plugins . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.3.0 - 05-09-2012 - Added : Custom css class for excerpt more link . - Added : Post Head Module to all template pages . - Added : Blog List template page . - Added : option to choice more than one category in Breaking News Module . - Added : option to Display posts via Tags in Breaking News Module . - Added : Option to display excerpt or content in archives and homepage blog style . - Added : [feed] Shortcode to disply feeds in posts . - Added : [is_logged_in] Shortcode to display specific content to logged in users . - Added : [is_guest] Shortcode to display specific content to guests . - Added : [googlemap] Shortcode to display Google Maps in posts . - Added : FeedBurner email newsletter widget . - Added : option To add Google map in The Post Head . - Added : Spanish language . - Added : Portuguese Brazil language . - Improved : Rtl.css . - Improved : Counter Widget . - Improved : Share Buttons on small devices . - Fixed : Login Widget bug . - Fixed : Search bug in Media Library . - Fixed : Full background bug . - Fixed : Post title bug in random posts widget . - Fixed : Author widgets bug in footer . - Fixed : Feature Image bug in post Head . - Fixed : Current Time zone bug in today date . - Fixed : Related Posts item height . - Fixed : Typography options bug . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.2.0 - 27-08-2012 - Added : Shortcode support in text-html Widget and Custom Author bio widget. - Added : Shortcode support in ADS Box in home Builder. - Added : Option to Display Social share buttons in archives pages . - Added : 8 new patterns . - Added : Separated file to custom Functions. - Added : sample Content xml file . - Added : More Styling options . - Added : option to Recent box to Display posts in normal Blog style . - Added : login box to restrict content template . - Added : login widget . - Added : Login Page Template . - Added : German / Italian languages . - Added : Option to change the format of today date in top Navigation . - Added : Custom slider - Added : Option to Display Thumbnail image in single page and pages . - Added : Single post and page slider option . - Added : Jetpack Plugin compatibility . - Added : Older Wordpress versions compatibility . - Improved : using mb_substr instead of substr . - Improved : content_width of the theme . - Improved : Use Jplayer with audio files . - Improved : Date function . - Improved : Pagenavi function . - Improved : SEO . - Improved : Dropdown menu for ipad portrait . - Fixed : Scrolling box height bug . - Fixed : Sidebar Position in Single Posts. - Fixed : Delete boxes bug in home Builder with Firefox . - Fixed : Responsive bugs in RTL.css . - Fixed : Media Uploader bug in Tiepanel . - Fixed : Home dropdown menu background color . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.1.0 - 17-08-2012 - Fixed : Responsive bug . - Fixed : Global sidebar position bug. - Fixed : Post link bug in popular posts widget and tabbed widget . - Fixed : Css bug for rtl blogs . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0.0 - First release